Products at the Marketplace Education & Careers

Among others, the Marketplace Education & Careers informs about the following topics:

Active at work thanks to a barrier-free workplace

The inclusion of people with a disability also means that the workplace is designed in a barrier-free way. The broad range of tried and tested, innovative aids will be presented by the exhibitors at REHAB.

Barrier-free workplaces enable people with physical impairments to participate in working life and use their skills. Depending on the type and severity of disability, the work environment must be individually adjusted so that employees can use their full potential.

A key factor is that all technical aids, as well as work plans and work procedures, are tailored to the individual possibilities and needs of the employee with a physical impairment. Work safety must also be guaranteed.

  • Screen reading devices, magnifying glasses, reading aloud devices or large screens
  • Braille lettering, i.e. computer output devices that convert the texts into Braille
  • Audio aids, audio amplifiers, text telephones
  • Single-hand keyboards for people with an amputation in the arm or hand area
  • Height adjustable work desks for disable people

Inclusion in the world of work – a general societal responsibility

People with a disability are not the only ones to benefit from inclusion in the workplace. Companies, the atmosphere between colleagues at work and society as a whole also profit.

The subject of inclusion in the world of work has become a key focus in public discourse. The German government has set itself the clear goal of creating job opportunities for people with disabilities, which is oriented to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. According to the Convention, all citizens should have the opportunity to adopt a self-determined place in society and to participate in all areas of society.

Our society is undergoing a period of demographic change, with an increasing number of older people with acquired disabilities. However, regardless of age, each of us can be affected, at any time. Inclusion at work means that disabled people belong in the centre of society, with equal rights, and in a barrier-free work environment that facilitates and supports individuals in accordance with their abilities.

In fact, an increasing number of companies are employing people with severe disabilities. This development can also counteract the lack of specialist staff in many areas. Everyone can profit and learn from each other by working with disabled people. Inclusion at work means greater acceptance, empathy and solidarity – and everyone benefits as a result. REHAB brings together companies, trade unions, rehab funders and people with and without a handicap, and creates new perspectives through information, presentations and discussions.

Professional rehabilitation opens up new prospects

After an accident or a physical or psychiatric illness, professional rehabilitation offers a wide range of support. A good reason to regard such a situation, which is often difficult, as an opportunity.

People who are no longer able to pursue their profession due to an illness or a disability, or who are threatened with the loss of their job, benefit from offers of professional rehabilitation, or “services for the participation in working life”. The aim is to maintain or restore the ability to work, so that the people affected can secure their income and lead the most independent life possible.

The social provisions for ill and disabled people to promote the ability to work are oriented to their individual life situation. The following are examples:

  • Placement in a new place of work
  • Ongoing and further training measures
  • Funding for setting up your own business
  • Coverage of costs for learning aids and exams
  • Funding of technical aids

The services for the participation in working life are provided by the social security bodies such as the employment agency, pension insurance bodies and the professional bodies.

The social security providers are also on hand to help companies when it comes to securing or redesigning jobs for people with a disability. Successful reintegration into their old job frequently depends on the employer and their willingness to adapt operational structures. An alternative for those affected who wish (re-)start work with a disability is retraining – an opportunity for a self-determined fresh start. At REHAB, visitors can find out about the opportunities for professional rehabilitation.